
This is not an offer to sell, but is intended for informational purposes only, and Seller does not represent or guarantee the exact square footage or dimensions of your Condominium Unit, easements, or any portion thereof. You must not rely on any estimate prepared by others, but must instead rely on your own investigation and determination that the usable area or square footage of the Condominium Unit is suitable for your intended use. Any marketing materials provided to you that indicate the dimensions of the Condominium Units within 181 Fremont (which may include ceiling heights), the floor area in square feet of the homes, the dimensions or locations of easements, or other numerical information concerning your Condominium Unit or any easements are only estimates and are subject to change. Not only are such estimates not intended to be precise, but estimates will vary depending on the estimating methodology utilized by the estimator. Also, room measurements on floor plans that may be shown in marketing materials generally reflect distances of the longest points in a room (as if the room was a perfect rectangle) without regard to any cutouts. The actual room area for an irregularly shaped room will typically be smaller than the amount that would be obtained by multiplying the stated length by width. As-built conditions will control. Since the materials provided to you are only estimates and not intended to be a precise representation of actual square footage of your Condominium Unit, there is no direct relationship between any such floor area or square footage and the purchase price of your Condominium Unit. Any variations in the estimated floor area of a Condominium Unit or square footage of a Condominium Unit as described in different materials will not impact the price you pay Seller for your home. Exclusively represented by Compass Development, licensed as Compass, CalBRE License #01527235. Obtain the Property Report or its equivalent by Federal and State law and read it before signing anything. No Federal or State agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property.